About Me

Peng Wu 吴鹏

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU)

Add: 1 Dongxiang Road, Chang’an District, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710129

Email: [xdwupeng@gmail.com], [pengwu@nwpu.edu.cn]

Google Scholar: [Google Scholar]


I am currently a tenure-track associate professor at National Engineering Laboratory for Integrated Aero-Space-Ground-Ocean Big Data Application Technology(led by Prof. Yanning Zhang), Northwestern Polytechnical University. I received my Ph.D. degree from the School of Artificial Intelligence (SAI) and Guangzhou Institude of Technology (GIT), Xidian University in 2022, advised by Prof. Jing Liu, and B.Eng from School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University in 2017. I was a Research Intern of Alibaba DAMO Academy supervised by Dr. Xiangteng He (2020-12–2021-7).Besides, I was a Program Committee Member of VAND 2.0@CVPR 2024 workshop.

Research Interests

Computer Vision and Deep Learning: Video Anomaly Detection; Video Retrieval; Temporal Action Detection.
